Why has pride been said to be the father of all sins?
Many false concepts exist about pride. Some think it's only arrogance; others are confused about the positive use of the word when it comes to acknowledging someone's performance.
What is the meaning of pride, really? And what is spiritual pride? How come we often see it in others but fail to see it in ourselves? What does the Bible say about pride? Where does the sin come from, and why is it so common? How can we avoid becoming prideful, and why even bother?
These and many other questions will be answered in this audiobook. You will see how pride has led up to serious consequences, how it eats at the very core of our identity, and how we can change. You will understand why it happens every day and the many manifestations of it.
Aside from that, we'll touch on topics like:
Learn how to make the world a better place by overcoming your own ego, and instead of blowing up your self-image, submitting to God's will and allowing him to make you the best you can be. Start seeing things from his perspective, not our own narrow-minded vision. See your potential and forget the world's judgment of superficial matters.