US Army Warrant Officer Second Class Rachel Levine suffers from burns to her face and shoulder. Her leg and wrist have been broken. She has spent the last few months in Army hospitals before being allowed to return home. She suffers from the types of stress disorders one would expect of a combat veteran, but the burns on her face have scorched more than her skin. They have made her question her understanding of herself.
Her road to recovery will involve her extended family, her employees at the company she and her sister have inherited from their father, and a court case where she defends not only her honor but that of her newfound friends.
Thoroughly grounded in a strongly religious background, she finds that she must forgo one of the most sacred holidays to assist her police officer brother-in-law by piloting a helicopter performing search and rescue missions in the face of an approaching forest fire. This mission is exactly the sort of mission she ran in combat and is the situation she fears the most. Facing her fears with the help of her family and friends, they fly into the smoke to perform the rescues. This book is suitable for pre-teens through adults, but it is not suitable for evangelicals.