"We are not fake anythings!" said Lance.
"I could debate that with you," said Blake.
"Where is the ghost?" Blake said changing the subject.
"Now I have a ghost and a grim reaper in my lounge room!" said Lance infuriated.
"Grand Reaper? What's that?" the ghost asked.
"Another name for a couch potato!" Lance hissed,
"Dork why you shouting," said Junior walking in the room.
"Oh, he's no bother, he has good taste! Anyone who likes Neighbours is alright with me" Blake said.
"You sure this isn't The Munsters!" Blake asked.
"I want to watch this!" said the ghost standing up.
"Quit it stop using the voice let him watch this!" Blake said.
"He is a ghost he shouldn't be watching soapies!" said Lance.
"Dork!" snapped Junior in protest.
Narrated by:
Addison Fell- Alexa in Bad Omens