We are living in an extraordinary time: A Time of Mercy.
But what is mercy? What does it mean to be living in a Time of Mercy? How can we receive God's Mercy? And how should we respond?
In Doors of Mercy, authors Fr. Jeffrey Kirby and Brian Kennelly answer these important questions. They act as your tour guides on a whirlwind tour of salvation history, from Adam and Eve to the coming of the Savior, and into the present day with the beautiful story of St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy message and devotion.
You'll discover the intricate stitching of a divine rescue plan that would not be stopped by anything. Across countless generations the Lord's mercy acted as the lifeblood of this rescue plan, so that neither our own weakness, nor the devil himself, could thwart it. He would deliver us a Savior and a King of Mercy no matter what it took, one who would bring His Kingdom to the ends of the earth, and who would smash the very gates of hell.
You'll discover: