《35岁前不要循规蹈矩:乔布斯给年轻人的62个人生忠告》由郭晓斐编著。在乔布斯眼里,从来就没有过什么规矩。这世界上只有他自己,然后就是他的梦想,他想要做什么,就只管尽力去做。其他一切都与他无关。这种敢于颠覆的精神,让他成为引领潮流、改变世界的商业革命者。《35岁前不要循规蹈矩:乔布斯给年轻人的62个人生忠告》从乔布斯具体的商业行动、行事风格着笔,告诉那些想要事业有成的年轻人,成功的人不一定是循规蹈矩的人,创造奇迹的往往是那些勇于突破常规的人。对陈规陋俗说"不"、保持思维的开创性很重要。这世界没有过时的科技,只有落后的思维和陈旧的规矩,不打破规矩。就什么都不会改变。以大格局的视野,跳出所有局限,才能释放无限睿智,开创美好未来!( Never Keep on the Rails before 35 years old: 62 Life Advices for the Young Given by Jobs is edited by Guo Xiaofei. As for as Jobs concerned, there is no rules and only he and his dream existing in this world, so if he wants to do anything, he just managed to do it as if other things have no relation with him and just because the spirit that dare to overturn everything, Jobs becomes the business reformer who leading the fashion and change the world. This book has paid attention to the specific business actions and resolution style to tell the young who want to achieve success from business that the successful person not necessarily observe all rules and regulations and people dare to break through the routine would create the miracles. It is quite important to say "No" to the convention and undesirable customs and keep the creativity of the thinking. There is no outdated technology but backward thinking and obsolete regulations. If you do not break the regulation, nothing would be changed. People should view from the great pattern and jump up from all the limitations to release the unlimited wisdom and create the wonderful future!)
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