The bastard son of an earl. An Italian conte's daughter. It's almost love at first sight for these two when they meet during his Grand Tour of Sicily. But why does her father encourage a courtship if he has already promised her to another?
Donald Slater has been on his Grand Tour for nearly a year, keeping copious notes with the intention of writing a book for others to use as a guide when they take their tours. He's visiting the last island on his itinerary—Sicily—when he comes face to face with his future. She's young, she's beautiful, and she's a flirt, at least according to her aunt.
Nicoletta D'Avalos is surprised when her father encourages a courtship between her and the Englishman they met in the Prince of Biscari's gardens in the heart of Catania. She expected to be married off to an Italian aristocrat, one who could refill her father's dwindling coffers. She's more than happy to spend time with Donald, though, especially after she realizes she has feelings for him. In fact, she's quite sure she's in love with him.
When these two learn what the conte has arranged, though, their fledgling courtship must end.
For now.
When it comes to Grand Tours, Donald knows there is always an opportunity to act as a guide for younger siblings and cousins. When it comes to Nicoletta, he also knows there is more at stake than simply an interrupted courtship. And when the time is right, he will claim what it his. They made a pact, and he's determined to keep it.