Welcome to Seniors' Stories Volume 10.
These stories are so worthwhile because we have all come through the same decades and changes in our lives which is why we relate to the stories so well. We know they are believable, we know they tell of our life changes for entertainment for us, but also they educate those readers who didn't, especially our descendants.
For those who have not experienced life anywhere but in Australia, reading of the experiences of our many immigrants who compare their life growing stages to how we experience ours here, is a wonderful education in itself not to mention how interesting they are and very entertaining.
It has become prominent knowledge that the 'theme' we offer each year is what creates the interest (for the senior authors from NSW) to put pen to paper and this year of 2024, there was a popular theme, What Made Me, resulting in an onslaught of creative entries. Over five hundred were received this year, so congratulations to the talented writers who actually came through the vetting and judging process successfully. It really is a reward worthy of congratulating, in itself. Happy listening!