Inspiring stories of honesty, generosity, industry, thrift, temperance, ambition, bravery, and devotion to family and education. Written by Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1899), #19 on Wikipedia's "List of best-selling fiction authors" in world history. Narrated and very slightly edited by Christopher Crennen.
Reviews of Alger's work: "causes the sympathetic tear", "entertaining", "thrilling episodes", "bright and lively", "exciting and interesting", "spirited adventures", "stirring", "pure and simple", "a delight", "commendable", "spirited and inspiring", "most heartily recommend", "admirable", "excellent", "phenomenal", "swell", "rattling good", "bully", "full of inspiration to honesty and industry", "virtue rewarded and evil punished", "hard work, ambition, and high moral character", "cheerfulness, honesty, and good deeds", "self-reliance, self-discipline, decency", "full of excellent lessons", "impressive and wholesome", "good practical advice".
Alger's books: